KP4DOG Puerto Rico Digital Operator Group Services
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2024-08-24 - On August 24rd the KP4DOG participated in the first activity help by the Emergency Management Office of the Municipality of San Juan Puerto Rico where we demo for the first time our PUP Community email/sms services..

2024-07-19 - KP4DOG Network Unaffected by CrowdStrike Global Cybersecurity Incident. In light of the recent global cybersecurity incident involving CrowdStrike, KP4DOG Network wishes to assure its users, partners, and stakeholders that our systems remain secure and unaffected by this event.

2024-06-26 - Indruction to PRDOGS network and its services (presentation will be in Spanish). Thursday July 11th 2024 8:00 PM AST via Google Meet general community is invited.

2024-04-17 - We have received inquiries about why the KP4DOG network is not used for EmComm using VarAc. It's not that it is prohibited, but we recommend against its use for EmComm. The network currently utilizes a routing protocol, so if one node receives a message, it will attempt to forward the message to its destination using any available connection method (Packet, VARA, AX/IP/UDP, HF, Satellite).

If you use VarAc to send an IC-213 message, the message will remain on the originator's machine and will not utilize the routing functionality of the network. It will only reach its destination if both stations are within range or if the same network node sees them both.

During an emergency, it is preferred that all users utilize the same method of BBS/Winlink Message to send emergency traffic. The operator is the one to decide on the most advantageous method to send the message depending on the situation.

2024-04-13 - We have commenced testing with VARA FM on 6 Meters FM, specifically on 50.360 MHz. Multiple nodes will be established throughout the island to provide BBS service using VARA Telnet and RMS Winlink with VARA FM. Additionally, VarAC traffic will be available for any practice traffic or activity except for EmComm.

2024-03-22 - On March 22nd for the second year in a row the KP4DOG Network was used by the Red Sismica de Puerto Rico, Department of Geology at UPR Mayaguez , Mayaguez, PR to initiate the Caribe Wave 2024 exercise. From the KP4DOG network bulletins via packet to all nodes in PR, APRS bulletins in the 145.090 MHz frecuency,cellular SMS, email and Winlink messgaes where sent to a select active HAM radio operators in the island. We received via KP4DOg network 52 confirming messages, 50 explicitly related to the excersice and 2 asking question about the exercise in the messages. That's the highest confirmation rate of a Ham Radio Digital network in the island history. We will continue to educate and promote digital communications within the Ham communty.

2024-03-01 - On March 1st a new KP4DOG DOG32 was installed in Caguas Puerto Rico. This nodes provides all services in the VHF 145.090 and UHF 432.300 Mhz.

2023-08-24 - On August 24rd the KP4DOG Node 27 Network was activated in Brevard Count Florida with the Amateur Radio Emergency Services of Brevard, Inc. , aka, Brevard County ARESĀ® Team (BCAT). This node N4TDX-11 is providing Winlink RMS, Bulleting Board Systems messages, Chat and APRS with a link to the KP4DOG Puerto Rico Network.

2023-03-24 - On March 23rd the KP4DOG Network was used by the Red Sismica de Puerto Rico, Department of Geology at UPR Mayaguez , Mayaguez, PR to initiate the Caribe Wave 2023 exercise. From the KP4DOG network bulletins via packet to all nodes in PR, APRS bulletins in the 145.090 and 144.390 MHz frecuency,cellular SMS, email and Winlink messgaes where sent to the active HAM radio operators in the island. Soon a after action report will be available with the total reach and response on the messages. During the afternoon Net was conducted in the Caribbean Amateur Radio Group repeater 448.300 MHz to confirm where the notification was received.

2022-11-26 - On November 11th the APRS digipeater function has been enable in our KP4DOG network nodes. This will allow you to also operate APRS in the 145.090 MHz frecuency with a better coverage through the Island with out unwanted packets. This is an advantage for HT operators with more local station in your area.

2022-09-25 - After Fiona Hurricane the KP4DOG network was up and available for the HAM comunity for Emergency Communications.

2022-08-17 - New Video section in our website that will contain instructional videos in Spanish on how to use the KP4DOG network. Videos

2022-06-03 - Virtual training for KP4DOG Packet operations on June 18th 2022 at 8:00 PM AST. Information on the virtual session will be provided via our Facebook page.

2022-05-24 - The node NP4JN-10 and RMS KP4DOG-10 has been upgraded with a backup link via SpaceX's Starlink. In the event of internet failure it will use the sattelite internet connection.

2022-05-16 - Simulated unannounced internet connections failure to all stations. This will not affect RMS operations. From 220516 20:00Z to 220517 04:00Z

2022-05-15 - Pre Hurricane season exercise completed. The participating stations: KP4CA, KP4JPB, KP4RGD, NP3AD, NP3MR, NP3QL, NP4D, NP4GT, NP4JJ, NP4JN, NP4ZB, WP3BM, WP3MM, WP4JLZ, WP4KVH, WP4LFS, WP4OH, WP4QNQ, WP4QZH. Thanks to all participants and organizers. After action report.

2022-05-09 - On May 15th pre Hurricane season excersice. On Sunday May15th from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM there will be an exercise to be ready for the hurricane season. You would need to send to NP4ZB a Winlink Field Situation Report via any Node of the Network, HF, or via AREDN Post Office WL2K_MESH_POST_OFFICE - VARA-VHF-UHF. If you know how to use the BBS systems copy and paste the form from Winlink to a BBS in a Bulleting to NP4ZB.PR. NP4ZB will log all the information received and it will be forward via HF Pactor to the Shares group in the United States. For assistance or further details send a Winlink message to WP4OH.

2022-04-21 - New KP4DOG Website released to the public.